Boris Panovski found not guilty in retrial of Don Frigo shooting death
Boris Panovski, previously convicted in the shooting death of a competing dog owner, has been found not guilty in a re-trial.
Boris Panovski, previously convicted in the shooting death of a competing dog owner, has been found not guilty in a re-trial.
On Friday, the 80-year-old walked out of the St. Thomas courthouse a free man, but also an angry man.
“I feel not too good. 10 years, my best life, went into jail for no reason at all,” Panovski told CTV News.
In a court proceeding that lasted nine weeks, Panovski was found not guilty of first-degree murder in the shooting death of Don Frigo and not guilty of aggravated assault in the shooting of Frigo’s wife, Eva Willer Frigo, in September 2014. The verdict was overturned last year and a retrial ordered, with the case moving to St. Thomas.
“Never were police looking for the killer,” charged Panovski. “Once my own son told the police I killed him because the dog changed name. It’s all about the dog. And police let the killer enjoy his own life for ten years and destroyed, police, my life, my own life,” he exclaimed.
Panonvski and the victims were active in the bird-dog world. Don Frigo and wife Eva were on horseback at a field dog competition at Hullet Marsh, north of Clinton, Ont. in September 2014 when he was killed and she was wounded after being shot.
In his verdict, Justice Marc Garson stated the following: