Boosters recommended for those over 50, younger people may also get 3rd shot: NACI
The National Advisory Committee on Immunization is now strongly recommending adults over the age of 50 be offered COVID-19 boosters, while those aged 18 to 49 'may' be offered boosters based on individual risks and where they live.
In its latest update to its booster shot recommendations released on Friday, NACI is also reiterating its previous recommendations to prioritize boosters for:
NACI continues to align with Health Canada’s authorization that either the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna mRNA vaccines can be offered as boosters for anyone 18 and older, at least six months after the primary vaccine course.
However, citing evidence of lower reported rates of myocarditis or pericarditis following the Pfizer vaccine, NACI is suggesting it is the preferred vaccine to administer as a booster to those ages 18 to 29.
Generally speaking, the groups that NACI is now strongly recommending be offered boosters were among the first to be prioritized for initial vaccine doses, meaning they are closer to it being six months after their second dose than the younger age groups.