Books to offer solace for patients, bystanders at Ernakulam General Hospital
The Hindu
Ernakulam Public Library introduces 'Bookstander' project, offering diverse books for patients and bystanders at Ernakulam General Hospital.
Spending time in hospitals can often be stressful with all the agonising cries and anxiety over well-being, making one yearn for a diversion of mind.
The Ernakulam Public Library plans to do just that by putting up a few hundred books for patients and bystanders alike at the Ernakulam General Hospital. The project named ‘Bookstander’, a quirky spin of the term bystander, will be inaugurated by literary critic M.K. Sanoo on Thursday.
The idea proposed by K.P. Ajith Kumar, library secretary, was wholeheartedly supported by hospital superintendent Shahir Shah. It was also approved by the hospital development committee. To begin with, the library on the first floor of the hospital above the casualty wing will have around 300 books worth around ₹40,000. Diverse genres including travelogues and children’s books will feature in the library. Considering the hospital environment, steps will also be taken to disinfect the books from time to time.
“The library will feature works by all prominent Malayalam authors and those fit for casual reading. Books running into not more than 200 pages and could be held using one hand would be provided considering that all patients may not be able to hold big sized-books,” said Mr. Kumar.
Bystanders or patients can take books after marking in the register and return them after reading. The entire system runs on trust and expects the books to be returned.
“We are also planning to arrange a system whereby people interested in contributing books to the hospital can approach us, and we will make it available at the hospital. However, the books should be in good condition so that the donation is not turned into a convenient ruse for dumping old books,” said Mr. Kumar.
The public library will keep monitoring the books and will change them from time to time. The availability of books will also be publicised through duty nurses who will interact with patients and bystanders. Plans are also foot to expand the book terminal facility to more areas in the hospital.