Boehner on 'Fox & Friends': Biden infrastructure bill a 'new word for the Green New Deal'
Fox News
Former House Speaker John Boehner calls President Biden's infrastructure plan a 'new word for the Green New Deal' on 'Fox & Friends.'
JOHN BOEHNER: Well this is apparently a new word for the Green New Deal, because if you look at the bill that they have put forward, it covers everything that the far-left has ever wanted. Listen, if we're going to do infrastructure, why don't we talk about traditional infrastructure: roads, bridges, dams, locks, transit systems? Those are the things that were typically in an infrastructure bill. … What we haven't seen a whole lot written about is this giant schism in the Democrat Party, that Joe Biden being a traditional Democrat, he's got these far-left wing progressives that he has catered to ever since he was sworn in and at the expense, frankly, of working in a bipartisan manner. But this little fight between the traditional Democrats and the far-left is about to come into full view for all Americans, because when it comes to this infrastructure bill and the so-called pay force -- increasing taxes -- they're going to have a long road to hoe because what Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren want is not what Joe Manchin and the Democrat senators from Arizona want.More Related News