BJP's "Sympathy" Jab After Haryana Congress MLA Loses Phone During Rally
The ruling BJP responded to the incident and said they have "full sympathy" with the MLA but had a suggestion for the "mobile thieves".
A Congress MLA from Haryana's Baroda lost his mobile phone during the party's 'Jan Akrosh Rally' in the area yesterday. Induraj Narwal 'Bhalu', the MLA from the Baroda constituency, informed supporters in a Facebook post, "expressing regret" that he cannot communicate with them. बरोदा की कथित जनआक्रोश रैली में जनता इतनी आक्रोशित हो गई कि आयोजक विधायक भालू जी का मोबाइल फोन ही खोस लिए।बेचारे भालू जी,रैली भूलकर कल सारा दिन अपना मोबाइल फोन ही टोहते रहे।आपके साथ हमारी पूरी सहानुभूति है विधायक जी।मोबाइल चोर अपने समर्थकों की संगति से बचो..
The ruling BJP responded to the incident and said they have "full sympathy" with the MLA but had a suggestion for the "mobile thieves".
Mr Narwal, in a Facebook post in Hindi, said, "Attention! Yesterday, during the Jan Akrosh Rally, I lost my mobile phone, so I could not communicate with everyone and I deeply regret it. Soon, my number will get activated."