Bitcoin Was First Used To Buy Pizza. Other Interesting Tidbits
A Florida resident traded his Bitcoins to get two pizzas in 2010. The transaction is known as the first official use of Bitcoin for a commercial transaction with an actual company
Call it a fad or a real deal, cryptocurrency has taken the world by storm and no one can shut their eyes against it. The virtual currency scenario is a brimming space for entrepreneurs and market investors. But how did it all begin? The first crypto-transaction was apparently over two pizzas. Shocked? Well, on May 22, 2010, Florida-based Laszlo Hanyecz traded his Bitcoins to get two pizzas from a local pizza store. The transaction is known as the first official use of Bitcoin for a commercial transaction with an actual company. But Bitcoin wasn't yet an acceptable currency in the market. So, how did Laszlo Hanyecz trade his coins? First Bitcoin Transaction In 2010, Laszlo Hanyecz spent 10,000 Bitcoins at a local pizza restaurant called Papa John's to buy himself two pizzas. Back then his Bitcoins were worth only $40. But, since the cryptocurrency wasn't yet a thing in the commercial world, Hanyecz reached out to the Bitcointalk community and openly traded his Bitcoins to anyone who would buy him these pizzas. Considering Bitcoin's value today, which is over $46k currently, these two pizzas can be regarded as the costliest pizzas of all time. Pizza DayMore Related News