Bill Maher, Andrew Sullivan pan newsrooms for caving to 'woke' mobs: 'They don't have the b---s to say no'
Fox News
“Real Time” host Bill Maher and “The Weekly Dish” Substack writer Andrew Sullivan torched the inability of newsroom editors to stand up against the “woke” mobs.
"It's a complicated thing because actually I was fired. I was given four days' notice. I was nominated for a Pulitzer one year. The next year, fired," Sullivan responded. "Not for anything I wrote but because I wasn't going to go along with their woke agenda. "Liberal institutions … don't have the b---s to say no! 'We do believe in the plurality of views, we are going to defend unpopular writers.' Free speech means nothing!" "America … will not survive if we're constantly in warfare between groups or genders." "Do you think the Chinese are less racist than we are? Do you think the Russians are? It's a miracle what we do in this country!" "They knew that. … I don't why it's so terrible to have someone in a magazine or in a complete mix of things, to have someone -- a dissenter in a magazine. It's fun, right? I mean, that's the whole point! I grew up wanting to debate, wanting to argue. … What was the problem? Afterward, we got together, we'd have a nice drink, we're totally cool about it!" "And it's not like you're very conservative!" Maher chuckled.More Related News