Biden Tells Illegal Migrants To Stay Away From US Border
Calling the US immigration system "broken," Biden also announced he will visit the US-Mexico border town of El Paso in Texas on Sunday.
President Joe Biden on Thursday warned undocumented migrants to stay away from the US border while opening the door to limited legal arrivals from four impoverished countries, in a delicate balancing act on one of the country's most explosive political issues.
Biden, who is expected soon to declare his bid for a second term, is seeking to thread the needle on an issue where he faces pressure both from anti-immigration Republicans and from leftwing Democrats arguing for greater human rights.
Calling the US immigration system "broken," Biden also announced he will visit the US-Mexico border town of El Paso in Texas on Sunday, on the eve of a North American leaders' summit in Mexico City where border security will be a key issue.
Under his new plan, Biden said a controversial rule called Title 42 would be expanded to allow border guards to immediately turn away more would-be migrants if they arrive by land.