Biden says he and Kamala Harris are 'singing from the same song sheet' — as she tries distancing herself
Fox News
In a surprise press briefing appearance on Friday afternoon, President Joe Biden made concerted efforts to link Kamala Harris to the work of the White House.
Jasmine is a writer at Fox News Digital and a military spouse based in New Orleans. Stories can be sent to jasmine.baehr@fox.com
But Biden has reportedly bristled about his vice president distancing herself from him behind the scenes. He has also hinted that he believes he could have won the election had he not dropped out.During an appearance on The View last week, Biden said, "I never fully believed the assertions that somehow there was this overwhelming reluctance to my running again. The fact of the matter is, my polling was always in range of beating [Trump]." Biden even joked about jumping back into the race during Friday's surprise appearance at the White House.
He also began his first White House briefing appearance of his presidency at the same Harris was taking the stage at a campaign event, raising questions over whether it was a communications issue between him and the campaign, or he was trying to upstage her.