Biden’s cold war: Anti-air conditioner regulations keep piling up
Fox News
Fixing an air conditioner or buying a new one is getting costlier, thanks to climate change regulations added over the past two years. And more bad news is on the way.
Ben Lieberman is a senior fellow who specializes in environmental policy at the Competitive Enterprise Institute.
Unfortunately, new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations are limiting supplies of these refrigerants – the result of a law targeting them as contributors to climate change. The production quotas have driven up their price about three-fold, and a recharge may cost $100 to $500 more than before these provisions took effect, depending on how much replacement refrigerant is needed.
The refrigerant quotas get much tighter next year, so expect repair bills to continue rising. In addition, new EPA rules aimed at those who service air conditioners – such as the one requiring refrigerants to be carried around in heavy refillable cylinders – will also impose costs likely to be passed on.