Biden’s 'as long as it takes' approach in Ukraine has failed: Here’s why
Fox News
As Russia's war against Ukraine nears the two-year mark, the Biden administration's strategy is failing, and after billions of dollars spent it needs to rethink its policy.
Rebekah Koffler is a strategic military intelligence analyst and the author of Putin’s Playbook. She is Managing Editor of an e-mail newsletter for independent thinkers, CutToTheNews.com. Follow her on Twitter @Rebekah0132
It is not a coincidence that Washington’s pouring billions of dollars in cash and weaponry into Kyiv has not translated into Ukraine’s victory and Russia’s defeat. Money and technology do not win wars. We learned it most recently in Afghanistan. Strategy does, and President Biden never devised one. That is, despite the fact that he almost certainly had the necessary intelligence to do it, at least seven years prior to Vladimir Putin’s invasion.