Biden's agenda hinges on new Senate push for bipartisan deals amid distrust between the parties
Major items on President Joe Biden's domestic agenda hang in the balance this month, hinging on Republicans' willingness to cut deals and whether Democrats agree to pare back their ambitions at the risk of causing a backlash on the left.
April is turning out to be a crucial month to fulfill Biden's campaign pledge to work on a bipartisan basis in Washington, with groups of senators holding both informal and formal talks on a range of issues -- infrastructure, gun violence, a crackdown on China, police reform, the minimum wage and immigration policy. But finding a delicate compromise -- that could muster 60 votes in the Senate and win backing in the narrowly divided House -- remains a far more complicated question, with distrust between the two parties running high and lawmakers often dug in on their ideological positions. And Republicans are still smarting from the White House's handling of Covid relief talks, arguing Biden jammed through a partisan $1.9 trillion proposal and used short-lived discussions with Republicans to create an appearance that he and Democrats actively sought bipartisan support.More Related News