Biden polls lower than any president in over 40 years with two-thirds of Americans saying economy getting worse
NY Post
President Biden will be ready to ring in the new year after seeing these numbers.
The 81-year-old commander-in-chief ends 2023 with a lower approval rating than any of his seven predecessors at a similar point in their first term, according to a new Gallup poll.
Biden, the oldest-over president, will head into 2024 with just 39% of Americans liking his job performance — a slight increase from the 37% he received in October and November, but still below the ratings of every chief executive at the end of their third year in office since Jimmy Carter was in the White House.
Former President George W. Bush had the highest near-midterm approval rating, with 58% of Americans approving of his job performance in December 2003 following the capture of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.
Carter and Ronald Reagan each had 54% approval ratings in December 1979 and 1983, respectively — though only Reagan secured re-election the following year as Carter’s administration was shattered by ongoing economic problems and the Iran hostage crisis.
George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton each recorded a 51% approval rating in the Gallup surveys for December 1991 and 1995, respectively — though again, only Clinton was able to win a second term.