Biden owes us answers for failures in Afghanistan
Fox News
13 brave U.S. service members lost their lives in a terrorist attack in Kabul, but the American people still need to get answers about the strike.
Republican Tim Scott represents South Carolina in the United States Senate. He is author of the new book, "America, a Redemption Story: Choosing Hope, Creating Unity" (Thomas Nelson, August 9, 2022).
While the president and his team have acknowledged the grave mistake that was made, members of Congress and the American people have received little to no cooperation from the administration in their effort to get answers about the strike. The lack of accountability betrays a broader unwillingness to answer for any of their failures—the overall chaos of the withdrawal, the Americans left behind, and the lack of a plan for the future. To this day, President Biden continues to blame the previous administration and the Afghan government for the crisis he created.
Not only has he not acknowledged his blunders, but on August 30, 2021, President Biden called the withdrawal an "extraordinary success." Echoing the president’s message at the time, to this day the administration continues to double down on the idea that the chaos was unavoidable. They’ve created a false choice between a forever war and the disastrous evacuation the world witnessed.

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