Biden confronts diminishing sway as deadlines near: The Note
ABC News
It will be up to President Joe Biden -- not House Speaker Nancy Pelosi or Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer -- to make sure Democrats act like they agree.
The TAKE with Rick Klein
These are not new divisions or new questions or even new players trying to figure them out.
Still, virtually all of the rest of the Biden agenda now hangs in the balance primarily because Democrats can't agree on how the vast pieces should fit together. Meanwhile, deadlines that could cut off government funding and force a default on U.S. debt are drawing closer.
With the White House praising "productive and candid meetings" between the president and congressional Democrats Wednesday, what's notable about this moment is how many factions inside the Democratic Party are still stating publicly what they are not willing to vote for. That's despite the fact that one of the few things they virtually all can agree on is that doing nothing is not a smart option for the country or their own political prospects.