Biden appointee calls on UN to create reparations tribunal: 'What justice looks like in the 21st century'
Fox News
Howard University law professor Justin Hansford called on the United Nation's Permanent Forum on People of African Descent to look into reparations for Black Americans.'
Hansford said Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s "I Have A Dream" speech lays out the argument for reparations, but the speech has been "distorted, sanitized and drained of its true radical vision." Ashley Carnahan is a production assistant at Fox News Digital.
"Despite that, I believe we can now safely say that Dr. King's assertion that the U.S. Constitution was a promissory note, which came back marked insufficient funds for its Negro citizens, was both accurate and ominous. The truth is, Dr. King believed in reparations. He called for it explicitly up until the last speech of his life. The promissory note, the check that he demanded, according to the terms of the U.S. Constitution, was never cashed. And 60 years ago, until today, the wealth gap between African Americans and White Americans remains exactly the same," he said in the May 30 address.