Biden and his team killed my plan to end animal tests and save bunnies
Fox News
When I ran the EPA, I worked to end animal tests and save bunnies, dogs and other animals. Biden overturned my decision and won't even let eligible animals retire from testing.
But times are changing — and so is science. Although the wheels of government are best known for turning slowly, if at all, I know from personal experience that federal agencies are indeed capable of rapid, far-reaching change with a little kickstart. In September 2019, I signed a directive to curb animal testing across the EPA. My tiered strategy called for reducing mammalian studies funded and required by the EPA by 30% by 2025, and eliminating them in their entirety by 2035. Andrew Wheeler was the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency from 2018-2021. He also serves as a volunteer scientific adviser to the non-profit White Coat Waste Project.
Scientists widely acknowledge that animal testing poorly translates to humans. Studies show that alternative test methods such as computer models and organs-on-chips are faster and more precise at predicting human outcomes, less expensive — and obviously more animal-friendly.