Biden admin probed after Fox News Digital shows it may have fabricated paper trail to shutter chemical plant
Fox News
House Republican leaders on the Science, Space and Technology Committee are probing the Biden administration over its apparent actions fabricating a paper trail in pursuit of a chemical plant shutdown in Louisiana.
The federal lawsuit seeks to compel DPE's manufacturing facility in LaPlace, Louisiana, to massively reduce its emissions of the chemical chloroprene in accordance with the standard determined to be safe by a 2010 study. DPE has argued for a more updated scientific review of chloroprene emissions, an action local EPA officials said it would pursue in 2021 before the EPA's federal Office of Research and Development (ORD) intervened. Thomas Catenacci is a politics writer for Fox News Digital.
"Officials in EPA’s Office of Research and Development may have violated scientific integrity policies by influencing EPA’s Region 6 Office to withdraw a request for a scientific review of the cancer risk assessment in the 2010 Toxicology Review of Chloroprene under EPA’s Integrated Risk Information System Program," Miller and Babin wrote in their letter to Regan.