BHU Research Entrance Test To Be Held Tomorrow
The Banaras Hindu University (BHU) will conduct the Research Entrance Test (RET) tomorrow, April 11. Students who have registered for the examination must download their admit card from the official website, bhuonline.in.
The Banaras Hindu University (BHU) will conduct the Research Entrance Test (RET) tomorrow, April 11. Students who have registered for the examination must download their admit card from the official website, bhuonline.in and carry it to the centre along with a valid ID proof. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the exam will be held in online mode. The BHU RET is held for admissions to PhD, integrated MPhil- PhD, and MPhil programmes. The examination will be divided into two parts-- Part A and Part B. The BHU research entrance exam Part A will be of two hours duration. Both the section will comprise of 100 multiple choice questions of three marks each. The questions will be based on Subject Knowledge, Assessment of Logical and Analytical Capability and Research Methodology. There will be negative marking for all disciplines in RET/MPhil. Three marks will be awarded for each correct answer, and one mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer. Unattempted questions will not be awarded any marks.More Related News