Beyoncé calls out 'Right Said Fred' over claims she did not have permission to use their song: 'Erroneous'
Fox News
Beyoncé responded on Thursday to allegations that she did not have permission to use a song from the band "Right Said Fred" on her latest album.
"Normally the artist approaches us but Beyoncé didn’t because she is such an arrogant person," the pair told the Sun. "She just had probably thought ‘come and get me’, so we heard about it after the fact, when you did."
"To use our melody they need our permission so they send us the demo and we approve it and if so we get a co-write credit," they added. "With this Beyoncé thing there are 22 writers, it’s ridiculous, so we would get about 40 [pence]. The reason that is happening we think is because there is so little money now in the actual sales, people like friends, golfing partners, engineers, bookers and the guy who brings the coke, they all want a cut."