Betsy DeVos blasts Randi Weingarten's defense of critical race theory: '1619 Project is not history'
Fox News
Former education secretary Betsy DeVos denounced the American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten on Tuesday following her aggressive defense of The New York Times’ controversial "1619 Project" and critical race theory-based educational curriculums
The project is based on the belief that the first importation of the slaves to American shores in 1619 constituted the nation’s true founding, and suggests "that the reason for the founding of our country was to perpetuate slavery," DeVos said. "Let's be really clear. The 1619 Project is not history." "Let's be really clear. The 1619 Project is not history... it denies 1776 and our constitution and our founding documents and the goal of forming a more perfect union," the Trump education secretary said.More Related News