Beloved Toronto metal music fan dies after three hospital visits in 10 days
Global News
After trying to get help for nearly ten days for serious abdominal issues, but allegedly being sent home with antibiotics, Walter Froeberich died at home.
For two weeks, as he suffered, Walter Froebrich tried his best to get help. The Torontonian allegedly visited St. Joseph’s Health Centre, a hospital in the city’s east end, three times in 10 days before his death.
“The hospital dropped the ball with him. They could have done more or stepped up and delve into really what his issues were, but they chose to send him home,” said John Romanelli, a longtime friend of Froebrich.
The last time Romanellihad seen Froebrich was three weeks before his death. He noted that Froebrich had lost a lot of weight and complained about serious pain in his abdomen. A couple of days later, the 45-year-old Froebrich was at the hospital, dealing with severe abdominal pains. His friends claim that he was denied admission, with doctors and staff resisting looking deeper into his pains — they said he was sent home with antibiotics.
But, the pain persisted. Froebrich was back at the hospital a few days later, this time in more pain. His friends claim that trip, he was given antibiotics.
Then it happened for a third and final time. But, this time, Froebrich was found by friends dead inside his apartment.
“We’re devastated, he fell through the cracks. He couldn’t advocate for himself, and the poor guy was sent home to die,” said Romanelli.
The calm demeanour of the head-banging metalhead could’ve been used to deny him services, according to Romanelli. He noted that Froebrich was a man of few words, and instead of staying to fight to have his alleged internal tears looked at, he went home.
“He was in unbelievable, unbearable pain and they just sent him home,” said Romanelli. “I think that’s one of the reasons he fell through the cracks, because he couldn’t advocate for himself.”