BC Ferries announces 28 more sailing cancellations on Swartz Bay-Tsawwassen route
BC Ferries has docked the Queen of New Westminster due to an engine issue, resulting in seven cancelled sailings between Swartz Bay and Tsawwassen on Tuesday.
A problem with the engine of a BC Ferries vessel has prompted the cancellation of nearly 30 scheduled sailings on the Swartz Bay - Tsawwassen route in the coming days, according to an update from the company.
The "mechanical difficulty" on the Queen of New Westminster was discovered Tuesday morning on the 6 a.m. sailing to Vancouver Island and the vessel was returned to the mainland for repairs, the company said. As a result, seven scheduled sailings were called off.
On Tuesday evening, BC Ferries announced further cancellations starting Wednesday and lasting until at least Sunday.
"Other sailings on this route are expected to proceed as scheduled. Further updates will be provided as soon as information is available," the service notice from the company said.
"If you have a booking on one of these cancelled sailings, you will hear from our customer service centre who will let you know if we can fit you on an alternate sailing, or if your booking must be cancelled."
The cancelled sailings are:
Wednesday, Sept 4