BBMP making calls to citizens hesitating to take second dose
The Hindu
The civic body’s call centre and 141 PHCs are urging eligible persons to take the shot
Civic health workers and officials have started to observe an inexplicable trend: many people who received their first shot of the COVID-19 vaccine seem to be either reluctant to take the second dose, or are delaying it. In an attempt to nip this problem in the bud, the BBMP is resorting to making calls to citizens to remind them to get their shot in time.
BBMP Chief Commissioner Gaurav Gupta said that though vaccine coverage in the city has been a big achievement, there is a need to improve it further. “There is a 12-week gap between the first and second dose. Some people, who are eligible for the second dose, are not coming forward. To overcome this, the BBMP’s call centre and the 141 PHCs are calling eligible persons and urging them to get their second shot,” he said.
In Bengaluru, over 1.33 crore people have got at least one dose. While 87% have received the first dose, only 59% have received both doses.