Barry Morphew's hands riddled with fingernail abrasions, cuts scabbing over after wife Suzanne's disappearance
Fox News
The third day of the preliminary hearing for Barry Morphew, charged with murdering his missing wife Suzanne Morphew, revealed photos showing his hands and arms visibly injured following her disappearance.
Chaffee County Sheriff's Office Undersheriff Andy Rohrich testified Monday that Barry Morphew’s upper left arm looked as if it had fingernail injuries. In the photos taken by investigators soon after Suzanne’s disappearance on Mother’s Day that year, there are three abrasions or cuts scabbing over, Rohrich said, Fox 21 reported. Outside of his hands were injuries in various stages of healing. Body camera footage played inside the Chaffee County Courthouse Monday showed Barry Morphew being escorted into the home briefly after his wife’s disappearance and identifying Suzanne’s black bicycle shorts seen in a Ziploc bag. That was the only time he was allowed into the home after his wife was reported missing, and he was only inside for three minutes before deputies escorted him out.More Related News