Banff fire update: Prescribed burn at Compound Meadows 'being held'
Officials with Banff National Park say a prescribed burn that grew to be larger than it was supposed to is being held.
Officials with Banff National Park say a prescribed burn that grew to be larger than it was supposed to is "being held."
The burn at Compound Meadows, near the town of Banff, spread outside of the predetermined boundary around 4 p.m. after an unexpected shift in wind direction and speed.
Officials said the fire burned approximately three hectares outside of the boundary, and was classified as "being held" by 10:30 p.m., thanks to firefighters who doused the flames with buckets of waters carried by helicopters.
In a Thursday morning update shared to social media, Banff National Park said the Compound Meadows fire is still classified as "being held" at three hectares in size.
"Today, fire crews will work on containing the excursion and actioning hotspots," reads the post.
"Assessment of damaged infrastructure will also take place. Residents and visitors may see increased helicopter activity in the area while crews work on the ground."
Banff Avenue is open but temporary delays are still expected along the legacy trail from the Minnewanka Loop interchange to Banff Avenue.