B-Town showers Neena Gupta with heartwarming birthday wishes!
Zee News
Veteran actress Neena Gupta celebrated her 62nd birthday on Friday (June 4).
New Delhi: Veteran actor Neena Gupta turned a year older on Friday. Making her mother feel special on her birthday, fashion designer Masaba Gupta took to Instagram and shared an adorable post."Defying age, breaking rules and uninterested in what the world has to say... all while having a lot of fun! That's Neena Gupta and it`s her birthday today. Happy birthday mom," Masaba posted along with a smiling picture of Neena. Neena`s close friend and veteran actor Soni Razdan, too, penned a birthday wish for the former on social media."Happy birthday best friend forever. Have a wonderful year. May you go from strength to strength. And may we continue our travels when we can for as long as we can," Soni wrote on Instagram. Neena also got special birthday messages from her `Badhaai Ho` co-stars Ayushmann Khurrana and Gajraj Rao.Ayushmann posted a picture of Neena Gupta from her initial days in the entertainment industry. "Happy birthday Neenaji," Ayushmann wrote on Instagram Story."Neenaji, saalgirah mubarak," Gajraj posted.More Related News