B.C. woodpecker set on building home in world's largest hockey stick raises concerns
In North Cowichan, B.C., there is a woodpecker – or possibly two – that have been causing concern about the state of the world's largest hockey stick.
The pesky little pecker has been slowly popping a hole through the 61,000-pound Douglas fir hockey stick attached to the Cowichan Community Centre over the past two weeks.
"I thought it was looking for bugs but now I’m not sure," said community member Marion Martin.
It's mating season for woodpeckers and according to one Victoria birder, food is not this woodpecker's motivation.
"The hole that he is making there is definitely a potential nest cavity," said Ann Nightingale, a Victoria-based birder.
The northern flicker woodpecker is pictured pecking at the giant-sized hockey stick. April 18, 2022 (CTV News)
Lorraine Francisty is a figure skating coach at the arena. She was the first to discover the northern flicker and its exploits.
"I came out of the arena and saw the bark mulch on the ground and looked up and there it was," said Francisty.
She alerted arena staff who got up there in a picker and plugged the hole with steel wool.