B.C. Wildfire Service to burn 1,100 piles of wood debris in Penticton fire zone
Global News
The burning is being done to reduce wildfire hazards in the region, with burning beginning Monday, Nov. 1.
The B.C. Wildfire Service says it plans to burn approximately 1,100 piles of wood debris within the Penticton fire zone.
According to the provincial agency, the burning is being done to reduce wildfire hazards in the region, with it beginning Monday, Nov. 1.
The B.C. Wildfire Service says the Penticton Indian Band and the Okanagan Shuswap Resource District are also involved in the project.
The areas include:
“Staff from the Penticton Indian Band and B.C. Wildfire Service will carefully prepare, control and monitor these fires,” said B.C. Wildfire.
“Smoke and/or flames may be visible throughout the central and south Okanagan valley. Particularly from Kelowna, Peachland, Summerland, Penticton, Okanagan Falls and Highway 97.”
B.C. Wildfire says the exact timing of the burns will depend on the site, weather, venting and snow conditions, and that burning will proceed only if conditions are suitable and allow smoke to dissipate.