B.C. tackling 'unfair evictions,' banning rent hikes for having babies
The B.C. government is sharing details on proposed protections for both landlords and tenants Tuesday morning.
The B.C. government is sharing details on proposed protections for both landlords and tenants Tuesday morning.
Premier David Eby is scheduled to speak alongside Housing Minister Ravi Kahlon at an 11:30 a.m. news conference in Victoria.
Officials are expected to provide more information on legislation tabled by Kahlon that the minister promised will address "unfair evictions," among other things.
On social media, Kahlon wrote that the bill "restricts rent increases when a tenant adds a child under 19 to their household – even if the tenancy agreement states rent will increase with new occupants."
"Nobody should have their rent increased just because they had a baby," he added. "This will put an end to that."
The legislation will also prohibit landlords from using "personal occupancy evictions" in purpose-built rental properties that have five or more units, Kahlon said.
Landlords will have access to expedited tenancy dispute hearings for "emergency matters," along with new measures intended to make it easier to get money owed from problem tenants, according to the minister.