B.C. landslide: Water expected to overtop site soon, modelling shows
Global News
In an update provided by B.C. on Sunday afternoon, based on current modelling, it is expected that the water will start to move overtop the blockage and enter the riverbed below.
Water is expected to overtop the Chilcotin River landslide, in B.C.’s Central Interior, either Sunday night or early Monday.
In an update provided by the provincial government on Sunday afternoon, based on current modelling, it is expected that the water will start to move overtop the blockage and enter the riverbed below.
“There has been minimal seepage of water through the natural dam created by the landside on Tuesday, July 30, 2024, so the water level behind the dam has continued to increase steadily in recent days,” the province said in a statement.
“It is rising at a rate of about 18 centimetres per hour.”
The best and most likely scenario is that it would still take 12 to 24 hours for the trapped water to move through and past the blockage.
This is expected to result in flows below spring flooding peaks on the Fraser River though far above peaks on the Chilcotin River.
“In the 12-hour scenario, the peak flows in the Chilcotin River could be over 10 times greater than a typical freshet peak flow,” the province stated. “In the 24-hour scenario, the peak flow could be over seven times greater than a typical freshet peak flow.”