B.C. First Nation declares emergency over drug and alcohol crisis
A First Nation on the northwest coast of Vancouver Island has declared a state of emergency over what its leadership describes as the 'unrelenting impact of drugs and alcohol' on its members, particularly children and youth.
ZEBALLOS, B.C. - A First Nation on the northwest coast of Vancouver Island has declared a state of emergency over what its leadership describes as the “unrelenting impact of drugs and alcohol” on its members, particularly children and youth.
A statement from the Ehattesaht First Nation says six young people have died from drug overdoses in the small village over the past few months.
It says the nation's chief and council are calling on officials from the British Columbia and federal governments to sit down with them to help find the resources necessary to create a “survival plan.”
The nation's council has been trying to develop a comprehensive plan, it says, but they've had little success in breaking through “institutional barriers to find programs that can meet the desperate needs of the people.”
Chief Simon John says the nation gets a call or letter every few weeks related to land-use issues and other government priorities, but it “can't seem to get the attention of the social service ministries.”
He says Ehattesaht has reached the end of its ability to cope with the crisis with the “Band-Aids” it patches together.
Ehattesaht is one of 14 Nuu-chah-nulth nations on Vancouver Island, with more than 500 registered members.