B.C. family plans 2,500 km trip in attempt to renew NEXUS card amid delays
Global News
The NEXUS pass program is currently experiencing major backlogs with more than 341,688 applications currently in the queue, as Canadian enrolment centres remain closed.
Applying to get into the fast lane across the Canada-United States border is coming to a grinding halt for many Canadians.
The NEXUS pass program is currently experiencing major backlogs, with more than 341,688 applications currently in the queue.
Vancouver resident Barbara Collins is so worried her daughter is going to lose her NEXUS card she has booked a trip for the two of them across the U.S. border to Warroad, Minn.
Her daughter Aeon’s card was set to expire in 2020, but a two-year extension was given due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Since before the pandemic, Collins has been trying to schedule an interview for her daughter in order to complete the renewal.
The Canadian offices were closed in 2020 and have not reopened. The American offices just recently reopened and it has been extremely difficult finding an appointment.
“My daughter’s NEXUS is expiring in September 2022 and we have no idea what we are going to do,” Collins said.
“The problem is we go across the border a bunch of times a month to see my widow mother across the border, and we don’t want to have to wait in line.”