B.C. company trains teams worldwide to safely handle off-road vehicles
Global News
For anyone who's ever dreamed about tackling the backroads in this country, or anywhere else in the world, there's a team that's ready to train you.
For anyone who’s ever dreamed about tackling the backroads in this country, or anywhere else in the world, there’s a team that’s ready to train you.
“We really try to focus on giving anyone we come into contact with the tools to enjoy the vehicle they have in recreation and be safe and being conscientious of the environment,” Christopher Walker of Overland Training Canada told This is BC.
Walker launched Overland Training Canada in 2015. It was a natural career choice for a guy, who as a kid, was exposed to mountaineering, kayaking, climbing,and anything the great outdoors had to offer.
Walker saw huge potential for a unique service when he moved to Canada 17 years ago.
“We have such a huge variety of terrain in North America, and to access that terrain as far as I wanted to go, we needed a 4×4 and that’s where it exploded really and it just kind of snowballed,” said Walker.
But he’s training more than just the adventurous type. Forestry, mining, and oil and gas companies are turning to Overland to prep their employees for the long haul.
“They’re really looking to reduce the risk of their drivers driving their vehicles so there’s less instances, and less damage to infrastructure and machinery,” Walker said. We’re really trying to encourage them to use these simple skills to come home safely at the end of every day.”
Some on the recreation side are more than just outdoor enthusiasts. Walker has coached drivers competing in international events and is a trainer for the annual Rebelle Rally in the U.S.