Author of ‘White Fragility’ continues racial con job with new book
NY Post
Doubling down on her dangerous claim that all white people are intractably, hopelessly racist, the P.T. Barnum of American race relations is back with a new book — a little light summer reading, if you will — and her premise is a whopper.
The worst of the worst, says Robin DiAngelo, are not those who identify as neo-Nazis or white supremacists or members of the KKK or the Aryan Brotherhood. No: In her new book, “Nice Racism: How Progressive White People Perpetuate Racial Harm,” DiAngelo posits that white, liberal, intellectual, coastal progressives — you know, the people who used her first book, “White Fragility,” as an intellectual hairshirt — are the most bigoted, the most harmful, the greatest threat to racial equality.More Related News