Astrophysicist Amita Kuttner chosen as interim leader of Green Party of Canada
The Greens have chosen a nonbinary astrophysicist as the interim leader of their party. Amita Kuttner, an expert in black holes, was appointed Thursday by the Greens' Federal Council to lead the party until a new leader is elected next year.
Amita Kuttner, an expert in black holes, was appointed Thursday by the Greens' Federal Council to lead the party until a new leader is elected next year.
Kuttner, 30, will be the youngest person as well as the first trans person and person of east-Asian descent to lead a federal political party.
Paul Manly, the former MP who lost his British Columbia seat in the September election, withdrew Wednesday from the leadership race.
His withdrawal from the contest in a letter to the council surprised senior Greens, prompting speculation that he may run for election to lead the party permanently.