Arrests made after police respond to massive student street parties in Halifax
One man was stabbed and others were injured during large unsanctioned student gatherings near Dalhousie University on Saturday and early Sunday.
According to a police news release, "large crowds of intoxicated people" started to gather in an area bounded by Larch Street, Jennings Street, Preston Street and Jubilee 10 p.m. Saturday. Police estimate upwards of 4,000 people in the area.
People were setting off fireworks in the crowd, some directed toward residences, the release said.
A homeowner in the area described the scene as mayhem.
"The streets were just full of students," Caitlin Lees told CBC News. "People, people being taken away on stretchers, fireworks being set off, loads of cheering as people jumped out of trees and off balconies ... just threatening and unsafe."
Lees, a mother of two, said she doesn't believe all the people were Dalhousie students, but the behaviour was unacceptable.
"As in recent years, we had people urinating on our property, defecating along our property line," she said.
"I saw somebody snorting coke. I have two young children, so that's really not OK for me. I certainly chased a number of students off of my property who were dressed in Dal gear."
There were also disturbances and fights in the crowd, according to the police release.
The crowd grew as the evening progressed, according to the statement, and police were deployed from across the city.
The release said officers had to take injured people out of the area, including the man who was stabbed, when Emergency Health Services were unable to access injured people because of the crowds and safety hazards.
When police moved to disperse the crowd they were met with resistance. Officers were punched, kicked, spat on and had projectiles thrown at them, the release said. Some officers were treated for injuries.
The release said a fire was started in the road using branches downed by post-tropical storm Fiona to prevent police dispersing the crowd.
Officers had to extinguish the fire as Halifax Regional Fire and Emergency could not get to it because of safety concerns, the release said.