Arlan Hamilton discusses new book on how to reach entrepreneurial goals
ABC News
ABC News’ Linsey Davis speaks with venture capitalist Arlan Hamilton to discuss her latest book.
Arlan Hamilton has made a name for herself over the years as one of the top Black venture capitalists in the country.
She recently published her second book, "Your First Million: Why You Don't Have to Be Born into a Legacy of Wealth to Leave One Behind," to provide people with ways to follow in her path.
Hamilton spoke with ABC News' Linsey Davis about the book.
ARLAN HAMILTON: Thanks for having me here. I wanted to write the book that I wish was written when I was starting out, and I'm continuously learning and I'm in rooms that a lot of people are not in it, from a perspective that is unique. And so every time I'm in those rooms, I'm taking notes to bring back to other people.
HAMILTON: I think both are great and accessible. I'm usually interviewing other people on the podcast. I'm getting their perspectives just so we can have representation of 'you can start from anywhere.' And the book, I wanted it to be a guidebook. I wanted to inspire, but also teach you some tactical things and some takeaways. On each section, there are actionable takeaways that you can start implementing today.