#Arab_lives_matter sparks calls for more policing in Israel
The Hindu
Arab citizens of Israel are seeking to raise awareness about the spiralling rate of violent crime in their communities under the hashtag “Arab lives matter”, but unlike a similar campaign in the Unite
Arab citizens of Israel are seeking to raise awareness about the spiralling rate of violent crime in their communities under the hashtag “Arab lives matter”, but unlike a similar campaign in the United States, they are calling for more policing, not less.
The Arab minority, which makes up around 20% of Israel's population, has been convulsed by violent crime in recent years, with a rate in killings that far exceeds its share of the population and is driven by criminal gangs and family disputes.
Activists say Israeli authorities have historically ignored deadly crime among Arabs. Israeli officials have touted a number of initiatives in recent years, including larger budgets for law enforcement in Arab communities, but police say community leaders could do more to help them.