'Another option': Sask. widening scope of practice for pharmacists
The provincial government is widening the scope of practice for Saskatchewan pharmacists with the launch of a new pilot project.
The provincial government is widening the scope of practice for Saskatchewan pharmacists with the launch of a new pilot project.
The Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM) says healthcare in smaller communities has been greatly impacted by the province’s health system strain.
“It’s not great,” acting President Bill Huber said. “We need more health professionals in rural Saskatchewan.”
That’s why SARM has been calling on the province for years to expand the scope of practice for local pharmacists.
“A lot of people who require service are elderly and often later in the evenings or nights,” Huber explained. “And sometimes they’re sitting in a crowded waiting room in the city for something that could be dealt with in their home community.”
The Ministry of Health announced a new pilot program Wednesday, which will give pharmacists the ability to offer more care for patients with training that will allow pharmacists to test for strep throat and ear infections.
“It’s about making sure we have health care professionals practicing the scope of what they’re trained to do,” Minister Everett Hindley told reporters at an announcement Wednesday.