Angry Over Birth Of Fourth Daughter, UP Man Kills Newborn, Arrested
Police said that Bablu Diwakar was in an inebriated state when during an argument, he snatched the one-month-old girl from his wife's lap and flung her to the ground.
In a fit of rage over the birth of a fourth daughter when he had hoped for a son, a 30-year-old man killed the newborn by slamming her to the ground in a village here, police said on Friday. Bablu Diwakar has been arrested, they said, adding that he was in an inebriated state when he committed the violent act on Sunday. #Etawahpolice#Goodworkगैर इरादतन हत्या करने वाले 01 अभियुक्त को इटावा पुलिस द्वारा किया गया गिरफ्तार ।गिरफ्तारी के संबंध में वरिष्ठ पुलिस अधीक्षक इटावा द्वारा दी गयी बाइट । https://t.co/4vqpdbI900pic.twitter.com/wpVXQ5JqrH
Senior Superintendent of Police Sanjay Kumar Verma said Diwakar was upset and angry over the birth of another daughter.
He said Diwakar had two daughters with his first wife, who died. He remarried and the first child with his second wife was also a daughter.