An incoherent strategy doomed the 20-year US mission in Afghanistan, watchdog says as US withdraws
An incoherent strategy to rebuild Afghanistan, flush with resources but lacking cohesive leadership and a well-defined mission, doomed the 20-year US reconstruction effort that saw American taxpayers pour $145 billion into projects that were often unsustainable, corrupt, and forced through on unrealistic timelines.
The conclusions from the latest report from the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction offer a scathing criticism of the US mission in Afghanistan just as the Biden administration is struggling to evacuate Americans and Afghans from the Kabul airport in a chaotic rush to the exits. The report, titled "What We Need to Learn: Lessons from Twenty Years of Afghanistan Reconstruction," points to how much work remains. "After 13 years of oversight, the cumulative list of systemic challenges SIGAR and other oversight bodies have identified is staggering," it said.More Related News