"Amusing": Government Sources Counter Criticism Of Parliament Words Ban
The opposition on Thursday had lashed out at a move by the Lok Sabha secretariat to announce additions to the list of words considered "unparliamentary" for both houses, saying it will impede their ability to critique the government.
The controversy over updates to a list of words deemed unfit for parliament, including additions like "corrupt" and "Jumlajeevi", drew a rejoinder from "government sources" on Thursday, citing similar moves in opposition-ruled states and other countries. New Dictionary for New India. pic.twitter.com/SDiGWD4DfY Session begins in a few daysGAG ORDER ISSUED ON MPs.Now, we will not be allowed to use these basic words while delivering a speech in #Parliament : Ashamed. Abused. Betrayed. Corrupt. Hypocrisy. IncompetentI will use all these words. Suspend me. Fighting for democracy https://t.co/ucBD0MIG16
In a note titled "the bankrupt politics of the opposition" that was passed on to the media, "government sources" said, "Today the opposition has created a lot of hue and cry about the compilation of unparliamentary words in the parliament."
"But what is amusing is that they have tried to create a storm without knowing the facts. This list is brought out every year," it said.
"The list is not a new suggestion, but merely a compilation of words already expunged in Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha or state legislatures. It also contains a list of words considered unparliamentary in parliaments of Commonwealth countries," it added.