America has just been treated to a masterclass in a subject much more important than identity politics
Fox News
I believe merit is something that we’ve lost or have allowed to become obscured by today’s identity politics, where it too often takes a back seat to our immutable characteristics.
I tell my kids it does not matter what they do in life — from construction to building an empire — they cannot cheat their way to achievement. They must put the work into their passion and they must earn their merit. That’s how they become the best at whatever they do. Pastor Corey Brooks, known as the "Rooftop Pastor," is the founder and Senior Pastor of New Beginnings Church of Chicago and the CEO of Project H.O.O.D. (Helping Others Obtain Destiny), the church's local mission. He gained national attention for his 94-day and 343-day rooftop vigils to transform the notorious "O-Block," once known as Chicago's most dangerous block, into #OpportunityBlock. Learn more at ProjectHOOD.org.
I believe merit is something that we’ve lost or have allowed to become obscured by today’s identity politics, where it too often takes a back seat to our immutable characteristics. But at these Olympics, it didn’t matter to us the color or nationality of the competitor — when we saw an amazing feat, all we could think of was how much work that individual poured into his or her sport.