'Almost like the plane ran over it': Saskatoon elite cyclist's bike wrecked on Air Canada flight
An elite cyclist based in Saskatoon says Air Canada is denying her claim after her high-performance bike was wrecked.
An elite cyclist based in Saskatoon says Air Canada is denying her claim after her high-performance bike was wrecked.
Diane Bomans recently competed in the UCI World Gran Fondo in Scotland, part of the largest cycling event in the world.
When she arrived home in Saskatoon, her bikes didn’t arrive on time, and when they did a day later, they were severely damaged.
“I took one look at the bag and I was like, oh my god look at the damage to the bag,” said Bomans. “And I could only imagine what was on the inside.”
While the bike is designed to withstand high-speed crashes and impacts, it was apparently no match for whatever happened during its journey.
“It’s almost like the plane ran over it, that was my first opinion,” said Sarah Robbins, senior sales and bike buyer at Bike Doctor, the local repair shop where the damage was assessed.
“As though it got run over by the plane, that’s kind of the level of impact," Robbins said.