Allahabad University Releases Mass Promotion Guidelines For UG Students
The University of Allahabad has released mass promotion guidelines for first-year undergraduate students.
The University of Allahabad has released mass promotion guidelines for first-year undergraduate students. The UG students will be promoted to the second year and will be issued final mark sheets on the basis of their UG second year examinations after they have passed second year examinations. “Some students may feel that if examinations took place, they would perform better and gain more marks. Such students, if any, should apply to the respective units, i.e., either AU counter or College counter with full details, their examinations will be held in online mode in the month of September 2021, if COVID conditions are permissible. However, they must start attending second-year classes,” the official statement said. The postgraduate and professional course students belonging to odd semester-- I, III, V, VII and IX-- will be promoted to the higher semester and the criteria for promotion will be as follows: Promotion criteria for regular students:More Related News