'All are welcome in this place': Norwich United Church holds Pride service in divided small town
It was a colourful congregation inside Norwich United Church (NUC), in Norwich, Ont. during its second annual Pride service. The celebration comes six weeks after Norwich Council decided not to fly the pride flag on municipal property during the month of June.
It was a colourful congregation inside Norwich United Church (NUC), in Norwich, Ont. during its second annual Pride service.
“We’re here to support because it's not just about Pride Month, it's about the safety of our communities,” said Elizabeth Quinto, who was attending the service. “It's important that we all come together and promote diversity equity inclusion.”
Songs including the lyrics “All are welcome in this place” were performed during the nearly hour-long service.
The celebration comes six weeks after Norwich Council decided not to fly the pride flag on municipal property during the month of June.
The service also was happening at nearly the same time as the Netherlands Reformed Congregation (NRC) was holding its Sunday reading. The NRC has expressed its opposition to the LGBTQ2S+ community by posting on its website “any form of sexual immorality (including but not limited to homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality, bestiality, incest, fornication, adultery and use of pornography) is sinful and offensive to God.”
“All of a sudden it became a big issue in this town,” said Janice Pow, a pastor at the NUC. “We stood up and it wasn't easy for everybody. But the more you see that you can't be silent against injustice.”