Alex Berenson tells Tucker Carlson marijuana legalization has been ‘very savvy and coordinated campaign’
Fox News
The American fixation with marijuana legalization is a bigger-picture campaign for broader drug use, Alex Berenson told Fox Nation’s "Tucker Carlson Today."
Berenson elaborated by saying he does not know if there will be a push for more liberalized use of drugs like heroin or cocaine since they are "obviously dangerous," but cannabis is "clearly the camel’s nose in the tent." The journalist added that marijuana clearly is not as addictive as harder drugs but it is proven to be more addictive than alcohol, according to studies. "People who drink all day… we call them alcoholics, they don’t usually talk about it. But people will happily tell you that they smoke all day," he said. "They wake and bake. And, again, because the impairment is, sort of, more subtle, people will do it for long periods of time."More Related News