Albertans asked to exercise caution over long weekend due to wildfire risk
Global News
Officials are asking Albertans to exercise caution when headed out camping during the August long weekend due to the wildfire risk.
Wildfire officials are asking people in Alberta to exercise caution when headed out camping during the August long weekend.
Parts of the province are currently listed as high or very high for wildfire danger and fire advisories have been issued for areas surrounding Calgary and further west.
“We are under a fire advisory that was enacted this week,” said Anastasia Drummond a wildfire information officer for the Calgary Forest Area. “The implications of that is that we’re no longer issuing any fire permits and it also serves as a warning to our recreational users to be extra diligent this long weekend.”
Experts said so far a wet spring and early summer along with the humidity have managed to keep wildfires in Alberta to a minimum. However, the prolonged heat is now creating concerns.
“Wildfires can ignite easily and spread quickly,” said Melissa Story, information officer with Alberta Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Economic Development. “Anytime we see periods of hot, dry conditions, it’s of concern to us and we will raise the fire danger rating.”
Redwood Meadows fire Chief Rob Evans said the conditions are extremely dry west of Calgary and people need to be on high alert.
“It’s incredibly warm even before noon. It just creates a drying cycle that is pretty scary as far as the trees and grass out in the Redwood Meadows area,” he said.
“You take a walk through the forest, you can just hear it,” Evans said. “The grass and the underbrush is just crinkling under your feet. It should be a nice, moist, cushion or bed.”