Albertan Marshal Iwaasa’s family still looking for answers 2 years after disappearance
Global News
Nov. 17 marks exactly two years since Marshal Iwaasa was last seen. Lethbridge police and his family continue to look for information to help locate him.
It’s been two years since an Alberta man named Marshal Iwaasa went missing.
His sister Paige Fogen said they won’t stop until he’s found.
“I never thought we’d get here, to be honest. I never thought it would be two years and we wouldn’t have answers and we’d still be looking,” Fogen said Wednesday.
Iwaasa, who was 26 at the time, was last seen by his family in Lethbridge on Nov. 17, 2019. He told them he was returning to Calgary but hasn’t been seen or heard from since.
A week later, his burned-out vehicle was discovered in the B.C. backcountry near Pemberton.
“This month, we’ve had billboards go up in B.C and I think Alberta, and our goal eventually is to have them go throughout Canada because we are just looking up every avenue we can to find information and spread awareness about Marshal’s disappearance,” Fogen said.
The Lethbridge Police Service said Iwaasa’s disappearance has been considered suspicious, but there is no evidence to suggest foul play or that his disappearance is criminal in nature.
Staff Sgt. Peter Christos said the investigation is ongoing.